Waking Up in Wonderland ---SMK's first original album project

Waking Up in Wonderland

Susan Mohini Kane

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Waking Up in Wonderland

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Susan Mohini Kane's NEW ALBUM! Release Date: November 17, 2023!

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How did I get to Wonderland?

A long story...but I'll make it short :-)

I started writing songs at age seven with my smash hit at the dinner table:  "Cheer Up". My family knew I was destined for greatness so they sent me to piano lessons with my grandma, signed me up for choir at school, and sent me to music school where they taught only classical music. Having an aptitude for singing, opera became my path...the only choice really. Fast forward decades, a bachelors, masters, and doctorate in classical music and two classical albums to 2020 - the pandemic. By this time I have dozens of songs written and none recorded.  Working from home gave me the time and space to write lots of new songs. I was delirious...I made my decision then and there, I had found my way into the happy world of songwriting. The next day, I woke up in that new world...it was like Wonderland! Everything was new and foreign. My first act was to find a genius producer with a big heart and great ears: Nathan Alamillo from Natracks.com.  He was available and up for the project that would take over a year to produce. This project represents my own personal transition back into a surprising world that can only be described as WONDERLAND.

About Nathan Alamillo, sound engineer & producer

Nathan Alamillo used to be my next door neighbor. He was always a pleasant person and I loved his whole family. Both Nathan and his sister Kelsey had a big love for music - we shared that. I loved Nathan's fresh, optimistic look at life but I didn't really understand what he was doing with music. He was searching for his place, just like me. By the time I was ready to record Wonderland, Nathan and his family had moved away and we had stayed in touch every now and then. During Covid, the family had planned a drive-by birthday for Nathan and I asked him what he was doing now. He had made the courageous leap into full-time producing! Serendipity! After a few zoom meetings we got busy.  This project took so long to record, I actually swapped a couple of new songs with some older ones - I was learning and growing. New songs came to me quickly. Nathan was gentle and kind in the studio and very patient. Being an exacting musician from the classical world, I had to learn a lot and be available to go with the flow a little more. Nathan was really good at going with the flow! We worked so well together that I invited him to express himself by writing some of the lyrics for this project. Take a look at the videos we recorded during the process!